What do you like most about being a student-athlete at MSA?
My favorite thing about being a student athlete at MSA is being able to see and ride with my teammates every day. Always having people to ride with keeps rides fun, and keeps me motivated to train. It’s also cool being able to get to know my teammates outside of biking, and have classes with them. It definitely helps having people you work with all the time to help you when you’re confused with school work when we miss school and we don’t have teachers to help.
What is your favorite class at MSA and what do you like about it?
My favorite class at MSA is art. Listening to music and just drawing for an hour everyday helps me relax. Art and designing things has always been one of my favorite things to do, especially when I’m stressed out with other things like school work.
What is your favorite race of the year and why?
My favorite race this year so far has been the us cup in Arkansas. It was one of the first times I’ve ever competed in such a big race. It was so cool to watch the pros race, and the atmosphere of the whole place with so many super fast people was so fun. The race on the last day was so muddy that by the end i could barely even see out of my glasses, and i was completely covered in mud. But I’ve always loved racing in non ideal conditions so I was stoked.
What is your favorite training ride/route and why?
I don’t have a specific favorite route, I honestly follow other people for a lot of training routes. But my favorite type of training rides are the ones where we don’t necessarily have a route, it’s just more of an adventure ride. We just look for roads we know and build off them, and it always leads to something fun.
What are your pre-race rituals/routines?
One thing that I have kept consistent before every race, more than anything else is my lucky shirt I wear the night before. My lucky shirt is a huge Burton shirt I got for free a few years ago. I had no use for it when I first got it so I put it on a snowman and I left it outside for a couple weeks, then as soon as I found it again it was my favorite shirt.
List 3 songs on your pre-race playlist:
“Surround Sound” - JID
”Fade” - Kanye
”Lord Pretty Flacko Joyde” - Asap Rocky
Any other interesting things about you that you’d like to share?
Twenty-eight riders from seven countries.